Hello you amazing human!

I am so glad you’re here.

You’ve made the BEAUTIFUL decision to invest in yourself and your world. Take pride in that.

Here’s what to expect:

Capsule 1: Week 1

C1, Module 1: Building Your Toolbox – Open Now!

C1, Module 2: Dealing with Disappointment – Open Now!

C1, Module 3: Real World Practices to Make Your Life EasierOpen Now!

C1, Module 4: Accepting the Ugly. (Opens 2 days after enrollment)

C1, Module 5: Taking Necessary Action: Handling Your Shit, Amidst the Shit. (Opens 2 days after C1, Module 4)

Capsule 2: Week 2

C2, Module 1: Cutting Out Those Who Hurt the Work (Opens 1 week after enrollment)

C2, Module 2: Owning Your Reality (Opens 2 days after C2, Module 1)

C2, Module 3: Holding Space for What You Really Want (Opens 2 days after C2, Module 2)

C2, Module 4: Getting Clean & Clear with Your Energy (Opens 2 days after C2, Module 3)

Capsule 3: Week 3

C3, Module 1: Taking Ownership (Opens 2 Weeks after enrollment)

C3, Module 2: Re-Opening Your Heart (Opens 2 days after C3, Module 1)

C3, Module 3: Continuously Editing Your Circle (Opens 2 days after C3, Module 2)

C3, Module 4: Manifesting Your Dreams & Taking Practical Action (Opens 2 days after C3, Module 3)

If you need any help, email assistant@samanthaorr.com

Becoming: The Art of Grieving, Growing, and Conquering – Welcome!



Thanks for being here!

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